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2016-03-29 阅读次数:

  行尸走肉第六季第15集卡罗尔走的时候出现了一首男生吉他弹唱的歌曲由Johnny Cash演唱的《it‘s all over》


  It‘s All Over(歌词)

  演唱:Johnny Cash

  I was on my way to you and I was worried

  I was all torn up and nervous ’cause I knew that you‘d be gone

  I knocked and crossed my fingers while I waited

  And I couldn’t hide the teardrops when I walked away alone

  It‘s all over, it’s all over, my heart echoed it‘s all over

  Every minute that you cry for her is wasted don’t you know

  It‘s all over, it’s all over, my heart echoed it‘s all over

  Stop your cryin’ turn around and let her go

  I‘d been runnin’ ‘round in circles like a baby

  I was in a daze because I loved you so, I couldn’t see

  I was broken in a million little pieces

  When I saw enough to realize, you didn‘t care for me

  It’s all over, it‘s all over, my heart echoed

  Every minute that you cry for her is wasted don’t you know

  It‘s all over, it’s all over, so forget her

  Stop your cryin‘ turn around and let her go, let her go, boy, let her go

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