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2016-12-28 阅读次数:


  无主队球迷RiceeFTW:Showboating after dunks is a regular thing, hanging on the rim can be different because you can actually injure someone. I don't like the idea of having a 250+lb player landing on top of me and risking a season-ending injury.


  勇士球迷leagueofgreen:As a warrior fan, i would be fine with guys hanging on the rim to show boat. But if your going to call mild hanging on the rim a tech and then not call doing whatever the hall lebron did on the rim, in a close game, where you have the best free throw shooter in nba history shooting the free throw that would have tied the game, then yea i do got a problem. Draymond got a tech not too long ago for hanging on the rim for his own safety. If draymond hung on it like that, he woulda been ejected.


  尼克斯球迷TheVegetaMonologues:I wish they would just let them do it. This isn't the NFL, let's have a little fun.


  步行者球迷Drak_is_Right:nba behaviors influence those elsewhere. Most highschools and parks cannot afford to do so. Many colleges too.


  勇士球迷Miiiikee:This report is just gonna add more salt. What's done is done, the cavs won just gotta move on. Refs were bad to both teams but it was our horrible turnovers that cost us in the end.


  马刺球迷incanick:well i agree. but it's nice to see the league confirm what actually happened as opposed to us fans wondering. it's fan service.


  无主队球迷SexTraumaDental:I'd rather have a report than no report. Transparency is good, even when it doesn't really change anything.


  篮网球迷jeremy9931:No surprise there. Doesn't change anything though.


  勇士球迷bobalou27:Yeah basically. The Dubs committed too many dumb turnovers and let the Cavs back in. You can point to the two obvious calls but they didn't lose the game for the team.


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