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2016-12-23 阅读次数:

  火箭球迷@2813308004HTX:God I love T-Mac. Just a pure scorer and just fun guy to watch. The 13 in 35 will forever be a top basketball moment. Amazing player and man.


  超音速球迷@HouseHeisenb3rg:I remember I was in 3rd grade when the 13 in 35 happened. I only just started watching basketball a few months prior, so when it happened it was the coolest basketball moment I ever witnessed. And to this day 12+ years later, it's still probably the coolest basketball moment to me. T-Mac was the god damn GOAT



  未知主队球迷@blazinflames666:I love how humble this guy is. There's another interview where he refused to believe that during his peak, he was easily a top 3 shooting guard. I really hope he makes it in the HOF.



  凯尔特人球迷@Redshark:You look at guys like TMac and Grant Hill and they had a good chunk of their careers were they were dominate players at the highest level, and then they got hurt. It makes you happy for them when you saw the level of humility they had the whole time. I was never a fan of TMac but not because he wasn't an incredible player or a great guy but because he never played for my team. I hope he gets in.


  勇士球迷@here_2_downvote_u: I loved this guy as a kid. I still remember the first time I was exposed to him. It was the Raptor's in the first playoffs in 2000? All I knew at that time was Vince Carter, and that game Carter sucked and shot 3/20 while McGrady kept the Raptors in with early points.

  Since then I've been following him. I hate buying athletes' shoes (pricey) but him and KD are both I did buy for.





  太阳球迷@larrylegend_011 :I think he was trying to hold it back. if he wasn't on camera i think he would have cried.




  开拓者球迷@zerocoolforschool:It's story time, and this is a cautionary tale. When I was 15 years old, the Toronto Raptors came to Portland to play the Trail Blazers. Damon Stoudamire was still on the Raps, and we were all hoping the Blazers would make a trade for the Portland native. I went to the game, and afterwards I went down to the loading docks in hopes that Damon would come out and sign autographs. Sadly, Damon must have slipped out another door because he didn't leave with the team. While I was standing with the other autograph seekers, one of the Raps players came over to sign. He was some young guy, a rookie, I had never heard of him. I elected not to have him sign my program because 'who the fuck is this guy?" Welp...... that fucking guy was Tracy McGrady. Oops.



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